2. River Phoenix
Myth: River Phoenix died of a heroin overdose on Halloween.
Reality: Sure, River OD'ed on heroin countless times, but he always escaped death. Again, the reality is far less glamorous than the urban legend. River phoenix is currently alive and well. However, there is a good reason why we haven't seen him around. One day in the hot summer of '93, River was caught in the middle of a ferocious lightening storm. He was struck with a lightening bolt that was attracted to a metal syringe he was using to inject heroin into a vein on his penis. The resulting surge of energy quickly wreaked havoc on his body; the musculature of his face was altered leaving him deformed, his hair was charred, and the blood in his testicles boiled at such a high heat, he effectively cooked his reproductive organs. Nevertheless, he is still alive. Rather than turn away fans by the grotesque truth, his publicist chose to tell the public that River had died. However, after years of therapy and reconstructive surgery, he now has a lucrative acting career under the name Joaquin Phoenix.
Another April 20th has passed. As this minorly recognized day comes and goes once again, as it does on a seamingly year-to-year basis, I find myself sitting back and reflecting upon the significance of the holiday. To our parents, and many of those wierd gypsies that get all the week-long holidays and hate Jesus, it was viewed as a celebration of the birth of a largely significant historical leader who, strangely enough, is considered by many as "controversial." But who isn't these days? Don Imus, Alec Baldwin, Adolf Hitler. All great men. All plagued by the scrutenous eye of the media. I am not one to judge.
Others still view this day as a celebration of the herb known as "marijana." As a chef, however, I cannot understand the greatness of this herb. It has a hint of rosemary, but usually tastes like Mexicans. While I do not particularly enjoy the taste of Mexicans, I often love a good taquito! However, my parole officer has adviced that I no longer sample the different varieties of this culinary oddball, and I have been forced to agree. Who needs this dry, olfactory herb, when we have Old Bay? I rest my case. And so now I realize that these observations are antiquated and trivial, just as Exodus 22:19 says, "Anyone who has sex with an animal should be put to death." Thats just crazy talk from crazy people who lived in a crazy time! Did you see that Mel Gibson movie? Crazy! So let us establish a new reason to celebrate this random date in late April. In the name of being fair and balanced, I have interviewed a small cross-section of America, which includes myself while sober, myself while drunk, my cat while I am drunk, and our plastic ficus while I was on mesculin. Following are the results of my highly scientific survery.
1. Bill Cosby Day. - Why do we give days to Martin Luther King and Jesus Christ? Hell, Canadians even give an entire day to boxes! What the hell is so wrong with Bill Cosby? He was a lovably obese cartoon character, as well as the inventor of Jell-O! All winning points in my book! Plus, he is black, and with caucasian mascots dominating the holliday roster, we could use the equal opportunity tax break.
2. Child's Day. - How many times have you forgotten Mother's Day or Father's Day? I know I forget them each year! And what the hell have our parents done for us? I suggest a day that requires parents to randomly buy cheap CVS candies and overpriced Hal-Mark cards for their kids! Damnit, we deserve more than being rased and provided for!
3. Help Terminate an Endangered Species Day - If we all work together, we can put an end to French people and the handicapped! Do your part, kill a crippled frog.
4. Americans against Alpacas - Alpacas, in all their gracefullness, eat too much grass for us to allow for. While we all love alpacas, we must also love our grass. Sweet, delicate grass...This one was drafted after the mesulin kicked in and my gecko spent an hour defending the honour of his two inch plastic palm tree. My Pink Floyd poster just played a 4 hour exclusive set, and my cat started an anti claw-restriction petition. I should stop signing my cat's petitions while on holucinagens.
Well, I hope I have encouraged some of you to help make a change. Many have forgotten the significance of this day, but with a combined effort, we can bring a new face to April 20th. Write your senators. Write your parliament. Hell, write George Clinton's parliament. Just get out there and make a change.
In the past couple of years, America has finally acknowledged its growing childhood obesity problem. Fast food restaurants have now added healthy alternatives to french fries, such as "apple dippers," and public schools are cracking down on unhealthy cafeteria items. Children's television programming has even tackled the issue, teaching children to eat right and exercise. Most notably, Sesame Street's Cookie Monster has admitted that cookies are merely a 'sometimes' food and urges moderation. A being whose insatiable lust for cookies has deemed him a 'monster' now urges moderation. I was disturbed that this once beloved character had 'sold out' but I was far more disturbed at how television programmers are trying to alter our children's ideas and beliefs. I decided to research the subject and discovered that there were several instances where political agendas, both liberal and conservative, were fed to our children through the television shows they hold so dear. Below I present some of the biggest offenders.
October, 1997: Fozzie Bear comes out of the closet. After the great uproar over Ellen DeGeneres, the muppets decided to air a special in which one of their most prominent characters reveals that he is a homosexual. However, the move proved to alienate most fans. Conservative fans did not like a children's show character with what they deemed loose morals, and homosexual rights advocates were angered that their plight was trivialized by a Rodney Dangerfield-esque puppet bear. The following year, the producers decided to make Fozzie Bear go back into the closet, arguing that, after he came out, he stated, "wokka wokka wokka," which negates his previous claim. Fans still speculate whether or not he has truly changed, often citing his touchy-feely attitude towards Rowlf.
May, 2003: Cobra Commander retooled as an Islamofascist. When the war in Iraq was still in its infancy, the animated children's cartoon G.I. Joe returned to television. However, the newest incarnation saw terrorist organization and enemy of the 'Joes, C.O.B.R.A., become associated with Islamic terrorists. Changes include Cobra Commander announcing a Jihad against the 'Joes, Destro beheading Road Block on television, Storm Shadow suicide bombing G.I. Joe headquarters, and the Baroness wearing a burka. Needless to say, there were many protests concerning the show's racist tones. Many argued that the show was propaganda, influencing children to become interested in the army, since most felt the war would continue well past the time the average viewer reached a recruitable age. However, the controversy was too great and the show soon reverted to its original format.
January, 2006: Dora the Explorer fights Anti-Immigration initiatives. Latina cartoon character Dora the Explorer is known for her innocent adventures, teaching pre-schoolers basic life lessons, as well as delving into the Spanish language. However, in early 2006, anti-immigration sentiments began to come to a head in the country. The producers of the show are strong advocates of immigration reform, so they commissioned an episode to feature Dora travelling to Washington to lobby for immigrant rights, while Swiper the Fox acted as a racist, bumbling member of the INS. While the production team argued that their intentions were good, many critics felt the material had no place in children's television, since the viewers of the show are, as one journalist put it, "fucking three years old."
February, 2007: Fraggle Rock goes Green. With Global Warming becoming more and more of a hot talking point, the entertainment industry has stepped up as a champion for eco-friendly practices. Many movie studios are working to be carbon-neutral, and several actors are touring the country speaking out in support of the environment. The muppets spin-off, Fraggle Rock, is no different, returning from nearly twenty years off air to help spread the word of Global Warming to a younger generation. Fraggle Rock has always been a show with liberal messages, originally seen by many as an allegory for racial harmony. Now, the shows producers hope it produces environmental harmony. The talking Trash Heap returns to advocate recycling and the Fraggles themselves drive low emission cars. Even the Doozers, the industrious race of ant-like people, have gone Green, constructing their elaborate buildings using machines that run on a more efficient, radish-based fuel. Inside sources hint that Al Gore will possible cameo as the new voice of Travelling Matt. Most agree the show will be unwatchably boring.
So now you know how television is brain-washing your children. Sure, you may agree with their message, but can you agree with it being force fed to little kids? You can? Well so can I, kids suck.